At Live Nutrition we provide opportunities to learn, connect and share through food. Encouraging informed choices about your nutrition and wellbeing. We offer easy, practical and sustainable food choices for every individual.
get involved
upcoming events
Easy Eats Workshop - October 2024 - TICKETS AVAILABLE
Join a nutritionist for a small-scale cooking workshop, bringing you and your food choices back to basics.
The Easy Eats Workshop focuses on simple and delicious food and you will receive easy recipes to take home and improve your wellbeing.
Food, non-alcoholic drinks and resources all provided. For only $49.
Food and Families Workshop - Next School Holidays
The Food & Families Workshop focuses on learning more about food, habits and techniques to ease the family meal times and eating routines.
The workshop includes;
Expert nutrition education and advice from the Live Nutrition team, including 10 ways to help at meal times with your family
A meal to eat during and any leftovers to take home
Tailored support for your household (see checkout questions)
5 family recipes to take home.
The workshop is for parents and caregivers only unfortunately we don't have the capacity to host kids at this workshop. But will they be grateful you came - YES!
Focussed on perinatal parents/caregivers - parents/caregivers of primary school children.
workplace workshops
Using food education and nutrition expertise to inform and improve your wellbeing. Live Nutrition specialises working with organisations helping connect workplace teams whilst achieving individual wellbeing goals.
A hands on, practical and tailored approach to learning.
Increasing team connectedness at work, encouraging personal and team development through wellbeing engagement and education.